The Silver Shield Story

FBI Special Agents have called their badges “shields” since they were first issued in 1909. Traditionally forged in gold-plated copper, the FBI issued a small collection of sterling silver-based badges during World War II when the government restricted the use of copper to war enterprises. Some of these silver shields are still in service. Silver Shield founder and career FBI Special Agent Carolyn Murphy earned her silver shield in 1987, presented to her by her father who was an Agent after the war and carried the same badge. The name Silver Shield represents this tradition of security service and professionalism that Silver Shield follows to this day.


Carolyn has over 30 years of experience in federal law enforcement and investigations as an FBI Special Agent. She finished her storied career in the Counterterrorism Division as a program manager in the Extraterritorial Hostage Unit, overseeing FBI overseas counterterrorism hostage crises.

Carolyn also served as a Director for Counterterrorism on the National Security Council (NSC) staff, and was responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, and analyzing the development of counterterrorism strategies as these policies and activities affect U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. Prior to joining the NSC, Carolyn worked as an FBI certified behavioral analyst, providing investigative and operational recommendations and support to FBI field offices investigating complex and time-sensitive terrorism cases.  

As a field agent, Carolyn was assigned to the prestigious Extraterritorial Investigations Squad at the Washington Field Office for 10 years, routinely traveling to Africa, Europe and the Middle East to investigate acts of terrorism committed against Americans and American interests. During her career, she also served as an FBI SWAT team member and firearms instructor.  

Carolyn is the recipient of numerous performance awards and letters of commendation. In 2008 she received the Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service for her role in a sensitive, joint intelligence collection operation. Carolyn is a member of the FBI Agents Association and the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI. Carolyn served in the U.S. Army Reserve from 1982-1997, attaining the rank of Captain in the Transportation Corps. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from the University of Virginia.